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Wyślij list do swoich radnych, aby przeciwdziałali rasistowskim atakom na Polaków!

Jeden z naszych czytelników, przerażony rasistowskimi atakami na Polaków, które miały miejsce po Brexicie, zwrócił się do nas z prośbą, abyśmy opublikowali wzór listu, który możecie wysyłać do swoich radnych i posłów, aby zwrócić większą uwagę i nakłonić naszych MP do walki  z rasistowskimi atakami na Polaków.

Wyślij list do swoich radnych, aby przeciwdziałali rasistowskim atakom na Polaków!

Do redakcji „Polish Express” przychodzi wprawdzie coraz więcej listów od Brytyjczyków, którzy „przepraszają nas za wynik referendum” oraz zapewniają, że „cieszą się z tego, że Polacy są w Wielkiej Brytanii”. Dawno nie otrzymaliśmy tylu wzruszających opinii o Polakach na Wyspach jak właśnie po Brexicie, jednak – niestety – od piątku mamy też do czynienia z zachowaniami rasistowskimi wobec naszych rodaków.

Rasistowskie ataki na Polaków: “Wracajcie do domu, polskie szumowiny!”

Jest nam niezmiernie przykro z tego powodu i popieramy apel do rządzących, aby im przeciwdziałali. Do naszej redakcji trafił też mail Wiktora Moszczyńskiego, który do swojego posła Rupa Huq na Ealingu wysłał list o treści, którą zamieszczamy poniżej. Jak sugeruje sam jego autor, możecie wykorzystać go jako wzór, złożyć na nim swój podpis i wysłać do swoich radnych, jeśli nie zgadzacie się na akty wandalizmu i rasizmu wobec Polaków na Wyspach.

Wzór proponowanego listu:

Dear ………, You must appreciate that for the 750,000 strong Polish community setting up families, working and paying taxes in this country, the result of the referendum, though not totally unexpected, was like a bombshell equivalent in shock value to a declaration of war or a new Yalta agreement. They will get over this of course but they and other EU nationals will now have to decide for themselves individually where the future of their family lies, whether they go back to Poland, try in another EU country, or stay here and join in the application race for all 2 million EU nationals in this country likely to apply for British citizenship.

The majority are likely ultimately to try to stay here if they have good jobs and they have children born here eligible for British citizenship and a school place. I hope that the Home Office has prepared the resources to channel these applications and will not suddenly change the rules to make it more difficult. I hope too that it has no intention of differentiating between EU citizens from France and Germany and EU citizens from Poland and Bulgaria. I hope that the government and local authorities will do all in their power to ease this passage for these EU citizens in order not to be make them feel alienated from their environment, even if they do become politically disenfranchised after 2 years.

They still have an important input into the economy, into the local tax base and into the social and cultural fabric in this country. The Leave vote is irreversible but at least its potentially harmful impact should be minimized. In the meantime it would be a welcome move from MPs and local government leaders such as yourself to give every public assurance to the Polish local press and their Polish born constituents that they will do all in their power to ensure that Polish and other EU citizens face no discrimination over the transitional period while Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty is being processed. As an example EU students attending University courses here should have no increase in their current University fees in this period.

I am sure that these media outlets and organizations will pass on to you any examples of such discrimination or other elements of undue pressure or even hostility. I trust also that every effort is made on the UK side in the subsequent Brexit settlement with the EU to ensure that all families who are currently here and contributing to the economy will be allowed to stay in the same way as all British citizens living and working in EU countries should also retain where possible their current status.

Many thanks for your care and concern and for all you have already achieved to make the Polish community in your constituency feel welcome.

Yours sincerely,

Nazwisko, adres, telefon, organizacja, itd.


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